Ask anyone on a set who the most important people are and the answer you’ll always get is, “The craft service people.”
Why? Craft services is responsible for the food! A movie set is a busy place with long hours each day. On Table 47, that meant crew, makeup artists and actors were arriving before 7am. The last people headed home after 10 to 12 hours. Many movies have longer hours or shoot overnight depending on what needs to be done.

Marina Michelle, Ryan Dinneen, Daniel Jones and Rochelle Wilson (l to r) pretend to eat during a scene. Craft services provided real food for cast and crew between takes.
It’s not convenient for everyone to leave the set for breaks and lunch so we bring it to them. Craft services provided coffee, tea, juices, fruit and breakfast snacks each morning. And craft services provided energy bars, fruit and drinks throughout the day. Lunch was always a hot meal, usually catered by a company in the area where we were shooting. We only served pizza twice, something greatly appreciated by all.
We spent three days shooting in the home of co-producer Michael Brody. He and wife Laura used to own a local restaurant and she is a marvelous chef. They surprised everyone with jambalaya one day. Safe to say, a home cooked gourmet meal doesn’t happen very often on any set.
A happy cast and crew is a productive cast and crew.
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